Tuesday, April 24, 2012


They bend.... They break... They rock...sway... They shake... They offer a home...to many Their limbs a playground for motion... They withstand the trials and tests of time... And their age can only be found...at their core...once cut, bruised A foundation deeply rooted...strong, stately Their beauty ever changes through all seasons but does not diminish Weathering any storm life exposes it to...more than not...... TREES ..........gdcf2012

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


boy....do I feel like writing!!!!!....there is a whole lot of misery, discontentment, anxiety, stress, unhappiness in this world...I know cause I can see it...I can feel it...I hear it...I read it!...the thing is, it's bothersome to me...I actually care....not that I don't have my own setbacks, or ups and downs....I have my fair share, trust me....but what keeps me up is knowledge that....this too shall pass!!!...and I definitely know where my help comes from!......whatever trials, tribulations, or adversity that you are facing...it won't last....I know, cause I'm living proof...I have been blessed to see a vast majority of the world....with my own eyes...I know how others live in third world countries..I've lived in 4 out of 7 continents....and that exposure has taught me that in the moment you are in....you're best bet is to make it as FABULOUS as possible...cause that too may pass....I no longer dwell on the negative things in my life....cause I'm too busy celebrating and enhancing the positive....I'm thankful for the situations I have stepped in, been pushed into, exposed to....because every one of them has been a lesson....and although, I am guilty of trying to do the same things, and expecting different results....I pride myself in knowing that I have at least TRIED at every opportunity thus far....PEOPLE want to know how I can be so peppy...all the time...yeah, they've asked me...Well, I'm not...not all the time, but YOU won't see that...My response is...I am blessed...I've been on both sides of the street....how you deal with any. situation...will either make you, break you, or my favorite...BUILD you!...but OWN IT!!!...take responsibility for it....it's true....that which does not kill you....Can only make you stronger, better...not real sure where all of this is coming from....I was compelled to write...maybe it makes the picture clearer for someone else...or just maybe it causes you to think....Someone told me that I should continue writing...it was my calling...I took that to heart....Remember, these are MY RANDOM THOUGHTS!!!!...and I can be so random!!!!!...Peace to all that read this...think I'm done!;))

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Epiphany (feeling), a sudden realization of great truth....MY LAST EPIPHANY WAS IN 2007!....Well, the last major one for me....and now, once again....mine eyes have been opened to another...how I came about this one is just like the last....spinning my wheels trying to figure out what's the next step....and what's best for me....what will MAKE ME THE HAPPIEST...the hardest part of realizing what you MUST do...is deciding that it's actually DOABLE!!!..AND of course, are you really seeing the whole picture clearly!.....there's alot involved in that statement...how do you get started?...what if you don't succeed?...what is your alternative plan?...Is this the right time to act????..NO REMORSE, NO REGRETS?......ha!...that last comment will get you every time!!!...that's a dream killer....WHEN IS IT THE RIGHT TIME?...and who decides that?...WELL, TODAY....I realized that those questions are not only loaded...but fruitless....and if I'm going to obtain MY ULTIMATE HAPPINESS....I need to get my crap together!...I have an extremely strong support system...I have a vision...and the only thing that is TRULY stopping me....IS ME!!!!...SO....I'm going to take a dose of my own medicine....and take a LEAP OF FAITH....and get the ball moving...and you still have no real clue as to what I am referring to....WELL...THAT'S IN THE WORKS!...AND WHEN I FEEL LIKE I CAN SHOW YOU A COMPLETED "BUSINESS PLAN"...you can cheer me on...cause I've found that I am my own worst enemy!!!...thought I'd throw this out to ya'll...you know..."JUST A TASTE"!!!!;)).....thanks for stoppin by...to be continued....

Sunday, January 8, 2012

new year!...just one year older!!!!!:))

2011....gone.....2012 here!.....eight days until my birthday!!!...another year older, stronger, wiser...blah, blah, blah!...say it every year....but this year I think will be different!...a lot of firsts to experience!...and a lot of life to live...it's already been exciting and fun!...recollecting how blessed I am to have such great friends and family!!!!!..I've definitely lived a little since the end of last year!.....hoping to keep that momentum going!...I don't know about the future....but I've learned a lot from my past!....and welcoming the POSITIVE unexpected and NEWNESS of the FUTURE!...putting my faith and trust in HIM....in all things...AND REALLY LIVING!..........that's it!...will keep ya posted!..a little late....but HAPPY NEW YEAR!:))

Monday, November 21, 2011


HOLIDAYS ARE COMING!!!!!!!...YAYYYY!...feeling like a big kid...I absolutely love this time of year...sharing, caring, giving, laughter, love, togetherness!...that's what it's all about, right?!?...ok, so I'm sentimental...shoot me!...I have fabulous memories I could share, but one...today comes to mind...Thanksgiving is in two days....the cooks are either cooking already or thawing out the meats...my mind took me back to a Thanksgiving years ago...sorry, not real good with years, dates, time...when I had gone home for the holiday with great anticipation of getting and of course helping my Mom with the "BIG" meal...she loves to cook...anyone who knows her recognizes that this time of year is center stage for My Mom!...if she doesn't do anything else...she'll feed ya!...LOL!...but on that occasion, I ALMOST found myself having to take the reigns....cause Mom was not feeling well...try as she might to get better...It wasn't happening....so I started, a little overwhelmed...she is a tough act to follow...and not that I haven't cooked "the big meals" before...I just had to get my mind right...Well, all of that hype was for naught...cause in stepped the alternate chef of Annie's kitchen!...my Daddy!...Leon the Amazing Himself!....and he took the reigns ya'll...found myself more on the assisting end....My Daddy threw down!...already knew how great a cook he was...but the love and admiration was in the air as he meticulously seasoned/cooked the meat...mixed the ingredients for the pies...and so on and so forth as he would say!!!!!!...I sooo miss him!!!...that day was filled with nothing but love and admiration for a man who not only stepped up EVERYDAY and provided for his family!...but he further proved just how flexible and innovative he was!!!!...A MEMORY THAT IS EMBEDDED in my heart forever....THANK YOU DADDY!..I am thankful for those memories...my family...my friends....my associates...my enemies(hope they're few)!....thankful for the opportunites that God has allowed me to experience and witness!...just THANKFUL!...cause see for me, it's more than just a holiday where everyone gets together and eat...It's about the time, love, care, and preparation it takes to produce something enjoyable for those that you care about....it's about LOVE! AND APPRECIATION!....EXCITED!...MAKE SURE YOU CHERISH THESE MEMORIES AS YOU MAKE THEM!....WISHING EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU A HAPPY, BLESSED, AND STOMACH FILLING DAY!!! this Thanksgiving!!!!!!!...MUCH LOVE, G.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

thinking out loud......:))

okay...okay...been a minute....I always say that...I need to get a new phone that will let me write and post what I'm doing at the moments I do it!!!...right now, I have the most crappiest phone ever made...don't ask what it is...too ashamed to tell ya...LOL!...My daughter said if I would take the time to "learn" the phone...I might like it..well,it was a "replacement" and they lied about the similiarities to my last phone...but all is well...NOV 1..."IMMA UPGRADE YA"....this has to be the most random blog I've written...cause I truly didn't sit down to write about my phone issues!!!...sometimes, OKAY most of the time... my mind wonders...It's cold and rainy...and they're calling for snow....SO NOT READY FOR THIS...was just about to enjoy FALL!...and BAM!...hello winter....didn't sit down to write about the weather either...LET'S SEE...HOW ABOUT MY BABY GIRL GOING TO DUKE TODAY!...for a football game...she's a Hokie(VA TECH)...and they're traveling...GO HOKIES!...so very proud of her...as I am of my other one daughter...BOTH NOW IN COLLEGE!!!...yayyyy!...THANK YOU LORD!...yeah, you guys missed the high school graduation blog...the sending off to college blog...the hassle with financial aid blog!(a story all its own)!!!!..will have to write that one for parents preparing their kids for college and the tedious tale of FAFSA!!!....ALL BECAUSE...I DIDN'T WRITE THEM!...alot going on...and alot I won't mention...ALSO realized this week just how much I love my entire family and how proud of each and every one of them I am...REFLECTION....sometimes you just need to sit down and reflect...what I'm doing right now...guess this one won't have a main focal point...OH WELL...RANDOM IT SHALL BE...BE BACK LATER WHEN I THINK OF SOMETHING ELSE!...SMILE!:))

Sunday, September 25, 2011

positive + positive= positive

“Success means doing the best we can with what we have. Success is the doing, not the getting; in the trying, not the triumph. Success is a personal standard, reaching for the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can be.”-ZIG ZIGLAR.........I ran across this quote this morning as I was looking for information that referenced 'ATTITUDE'....why, you ask?...I have been talking to my girls about what success means to them, and the effort and "mindset" it takes to accomplish what they are trying to do...I have explained to them that, at times, I tend to analyze or overanalyze human behavior...How people "act" towards certain situations...and what makes them act that way.....chalk it up to a more than curious childhood, or maybe the fact that I have been somewhat of a "people watcher"...I took one course of Psychology in school and it forever opened my mind to the study of people...can't shake it!!!...LOL!...or it could be that even as a child, my parents taught me the value of "seeing the whole picture"...and not just pieces!...tried to give them some insight when they do not understand what is "wrong",with some folks....but back to ATTITUDE...I've labored in trying to teach my girls that a positive attitude will get you farther in life...than any other attribute...it opens the mind...and allows you to weigh the good and the bad....Negativity serves absolutely no purpose....NONE!...and more often than not will halt your progression....being amongst those people who have a "positive" outlook, also betters your odds...believe me, I know...try surrounding yourself with folks that always seem to have a derogatory disposition/demeanor...you'll see what I mean...I learned in science class that the definition of energy is "the ability to do work"....it was on a test I had to study for...(smile)...How in the world is "negative energy" going to allow you to do any work???...at least not good works....Anywhoo....my point today is not to criticize anyone, as I know at times my attitude isn't always pleasant/POSITIVE...ALTHOUGH I DO TRY CONTINUOUSLY WITH EVERY BREATH I BREATHE!!!!....But it is to remind those reading this..that Negativity only breeds Negativity...and maybe with "a self attitude adjustment towards more positive things in life"....PEOPLE AROUND YOU WILL FOLLOW SUIT....tell my girls this all the time...I believe vibes and "energy" are real....and what you emit...IS REAL!...if you wanna make your life "successful" according to your standards, no one else's...it all starts with YOUR ATTITUDE!...DONE...THANKS FOR LISTENING!:))...PEACE!