Sunday, September 25, 2011

positive + positive= positive

“Success means doing the best we can with what we have. Success is the doing, not the getting; in the trying, not the triumph. Success is a personal standard, reaching for the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can be.”-ZIG ZIGLAR.........I ran across this quote this morning as I was looking for information that referenced 'ATTITUDE'....why, you ask?...I have been talking to my girls about what success means to them, and the effort and "mindset" it takes to accomplish what they are trying to do...I have explained to them that, at times, I tend to analyze or overanalyze human behavior...How people "act" towards certain situations...and what makes them act that way.....chalk it up to a more than curious childhood, or maybe the fact that I have been somewhat of a "people watcher"...I took one course of Psychology in school and it forever opened my mind to the study of people...can't shake it!!!...LOL!...or it could be that even as a child, my parents taught me the value of "seeing the whole picture"...and not just pieces!...tried to give them some insight when they do not understand what is "wrong",with some folks....but back to ATTITUDE...I've labored in trying to teach my girls that a positive attitude will get you farther in life...than any other opens the mind...and allows you to weigh the good and the bad....Negativity serves absolutely no purpose....NONE!...and more often than not will halt your progression....being amongst those people who have a "positive" outlook, also betters your odds...believe me, I know...try surrounding yourself with folks that always seem to have a derogatory disposition/'ll see what I mean...I learned in science class that the definition of energy is "the ability to do work" was on a test I had to study for...(smile)...How in the world is "negative energy" going to allow you to do any work??? least not good point today is not to criticize anyone, as I know at times my attitude isn't always pleasant/POSITIVE...ALTHOUGH I DO TRY CONTINUOUSLY WITH EVERY BREATH I BREATHE!!!!....But it is to remind those reading this..that Negativity only breeds Negativity...and maybe with "a self attitude adjustment towards more positive things in life"....PEOPLE AROUND YOU WILL FOLLOW SUIT....tell my girls this all the time...I believe vibes and "energy" are real....and what you emit...IS REAL!...if you wanna make your life "successful" according to your standards, no one else' all starts with YOUR ATTITUDE!...DONE...THANKS FOR LISTENING!:))...PEACE!

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